The present invention provides a method of achieving selectively elasticized zones on nonwoven web substrates, such as may be suitable for the waistbands or leg cuffs of disposable absorbent pant garments, cuffs on sleeves of medical garments neck openings, or the elasticizing of any garment opening. A web, or webs, of nonwoven material which make up the substrate for the elasticized area are provided to be extendible in one or more directions of the material web at the time the elastic material is affixed to the substrate. The extendibility is provided through neck stretching of one or more of the webs. When the substrate is at a narrow, or necked dimension, the elastic material is affixed to the substrate thereby holding the substrate at its narrow dimension. If the elastic material is affixed in an untensioned state, a flat elastomeric cuff without gathering of the substrate may be had. If the elastic material is affixed to the substrate in a tensioned state, an elastomeric cuff with a gathering of the substrate may be had to allow for two-stage expansion via the gathers and the expansion of the substrate. After affixing the elastic material to the substrate, the substrate outside of the elasticized zone is allowed to resumeits wider dimension through removal of necking tension, or is actively spread to a second wider dimension such asby mechanical intervention. The method is particularly suited for in-line machine direction assembling of nonwoven fabrics and garments where the necking force may be easily applied during processing.La présente invention concerne un procédé permettant de réaliser sélectivement des zones élastiques sur des substrats en voile non tissé pouvant convenir aux bandes de taille et aux revers jambes de couches-culottes absorbantes jetables, aux revers manches de vêtements médicaux ou permettant de rendre élastique une ouverture quelconque dun vêtement. Un ou des voile(s) de matériau non tissé qui constitue(nt) le substrat de la zone élasti