The present invention relates to a method for preparing a human milk fortifier that can achieve a final composition after blending with mother milk or on its own: protein equivalent to 3.5 to 4.5 grams per 180 ml, energy is 110 to 135 kcal per 180 ml protein/energy ratio is 2.25 to 3.1 per 180 ml. Such a formulation is prepared using a novel process and method involving preheating and separation of milk into cream and skim Milk. The skim milk is then treated in a chamber to separate permeate and retentate using a membrane filtration and pressure gauges. The permeate is then subjected to evaporation, condensation and phase separation to produce a crystal liquid and lactose crystals. The cream, mother liquor and retentate is then blended and further subjected to homogenization and pasteurization before allowing to be stored in deep freezers.