Паштаев Николай Петрович (RU),Старостин Максим Александрович (RU),Старостина Ольга Валерьевна (RU),Поздеева Надежда Александровна (RU),Григорьева Ирина Николаевна (RU)
The invention relates to medicine, namely to ophthalmology and is intended to strengthen the operations of eyes, for example, for the surgical treatment of progressive myopia. The aim is to create an implant for operations to strengthen shells eyes of a biocompatible, biostable (not subjected to the aging process), the elastic, non-toxic material, to obtain the highest functional and cosmetic results, and the maximum reduction of postoperative complications by minimizing the thickness of scar adhesions, minimizing operational sections, to minimize the risk implant displacement, coalescence solid implant with the sclera of the patient and stabilization of myopia. The aim is achieved by creating an implant to strengthen the membranes of the eye with the spatial structure of the polymer by bulk fotoplimerizatsii methacrylic oligomers series. The implant is a plate of rectangular shape in width from 0.5 cm to 2 cm and a length of from 1.5 cm to 10 cm and a thickness of 30 to 190 microns with rounded corners. The plate has through holes with a diameter of 100 to 300 microns. The holes are arranged over the entire surface of the plate with identical spacing in the row and between the rows. The plate has a roughness surface adjacent to the sclera with any type of roughness irregularities direction from not less than 5 m in height. After implantation occurs germination of the connective tissue fibers through the openings, i.e. there is a "biological fixation of the implant", increasing its strength. Said polymeric material nepodverzhen processes of degradation and dissolution in biological fluids, does not cause the inflammatory responses and rejection reactions. The material is selected in such a way that a high strength and elasticity of the implant. The implant is made of inexpensive material, which allows its wide use in ophthalmology.Полезная модель относится к медицине, а именно к офтальмологии и предназначена для операций по укреплению оболочек глаза, например для хи