The present invention relates to lactic acid bacteria with an effect of uric acid level reducing in blood. According to the present invention, various lactic acid bacteria are cultured in the presence of a purine a consumption amount of the purine and a production amount of purine decomposition products are determined multiple lactic acid bacteria with significant purine decomposing abilities are selected the selected lactic acid bacteria are adopted to orally feed rats, general statuses and serum uric acid levels of the rats are determined, and influence on the serum uric acid level due to the lactic acid bacteria feeding is researched, wherein the selected lactic acid bacteria are judged as the lactic acid bacteria having high purine decomposing abilities, and the rats are fed with a purine-containing feed and two lactic acid bacteria capable of significantly inhibiting serum uric acid level increasing are found, wherein the two lactic acid bacteria are Lactobacillus gasseri OLL2959 and Lactobacillus oris OLL2779.