FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, particularly to marine medicine. Proof test is carried out with Landolt rings under the supervision of a medical worker in a pressure chamber at normal pressure and at an excess pressure of 7 kgf/cm2. At that, on the blank of the proofing sample with Landolt rings there are 1020 rings – 30 rings in a row, each ring has a fracture in one of four directions, for example, when the clock face is oriented, the fracture can be located in direction of 1, 3, 7, 9 o'clock. During the test, the person being tested shall recognize and mark out the rings with the specified fracture positions only: at 3 and 7 o'clock. Further, the processing speed of the information in the visual analyzer is calculated using the claimed formula. Then, the proof sample with Landolt rings is performed under conditions of excess air pressure equal to 7.0 kgf/cm2, in a pressure chamber under medical supervision, but with another combination of rings with fractures for 1 and 9 o'clock. Processing speed of the information in the visual analyzer is calculated at excess pressure according to the claimed formula. After that calculating index ΔA is degree of change of speed of processing information, %. By indicator ΔA is defined as human resistance to action of high partial nitrogen pressures, RNP. If RNP less than 0.265 of the person being tested is referred to as unstable, and if RH is 0.265 or more, the person being tested is considered to be resistant to high nitrogen partial pressures.EFFECT: invention can be used to determine human resistance to action of high partial nitrogen pressures.1 cl, 1 exИзобретение относится к области медицины, в частности морской медицины, может быть использовано для определения устойчивости человека к действию высоких парциальных давлений азота. Проводят корректурную пробу с кольцами Ландольта под наблюдением медицинского работника в барокамере при нормальном давлении и при избыточном давлении 7 кгс/см2. При этом