The abstract of the disclosure is to give clear understanding of what Viscose-Amino Bodily Fluid CONTRA is and how it is a very readily available ingredient in manufacturing products and an ingredient on Pharmaceuticals and how it replaces the hard-to-find Human Tissue donations which was almost extincting a majority of products on the market today for non availability of supplies.Viscose-Amino Bodily Fluid CONTRA is a Clearish-Grey gel fluid that has a watery gel like texture and much like a personal body lubricant such as K-Y gel, it has a slippery wet feel to it and is collected from a Humans sweat ports located in their pelvic area (one port on each side just off to the outer side of any human male or females reproductive organs and is passed down usually through their reproductive orifices and exactly collected like Fluidity Alcohol and Beverage Beer Contro a different patent than mine, and with belts with containers in smalleau u and with tubes with inline sump pumps to collect the fluids after they have leaked out.This product is made by altering to three things, Viscose the largest amount, A Flora Hyssop Ipsuu plant part and an Indonesian Bavo-Baverian Byline plant part and is the basic formula for Viscose Contra formulas that are previously patented and none of them registered with this formula exact. This formula with an extra ingredient, Rubber, had already been patented in my behalf and as I was involved with their creations and development and they were developed using my formula by the National Guard Legal Division and Military Tribunal located in Seattle, Wash. at 700 Stewart St., Courtroom #1 had registered the Rubber formula in my behalf and of which had stated for me to apply for a patent on my own for the basic formula that I am requesting patent on in this application today.This is also makes available in the future this basic formula so that others may benefit from using my formula and so I request that I get 50% of all monetary for the future u