Disclosed are seasoned salt-pickled pollack tripe containing shiitake mushrooms and shiitake mushroom-derived enzyme, and a production method thereof. The seasoned salt-pickled pollack tripe of the present invention maintains inherent flavor of the seasoned salt-pickled pollack tripe while specific smell of seasoned salted sea foods is masked by shiitake mushrooms contained therein. By using shiitake mushrooms, which quickly absorbs nutrients, facilitates release of sodium in body, and is functional, low in fat, and rich in fiber, as well as enzymes derived therefrom, it is possible to improve functions of blood vessels, boost immune functions, and prevent constipation when a user eats the salted sea foods.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017본 발명은 표고버섯과 표고버섯 효소가 함유된 양념 창난 젓갈 및 그 제조방법을 개시한 것으로, 이러한 본 발명은 양념 창난 젓갈 고유의 풍미를 유지하면서도 함유된 표고버섯을 통해 젓갈 고유의 냄새를 제거함은 물론, 영양분을 빠르게 흡수하면서도 체내의 나트륨 배출을 도와주면서 기능성으로서 지방이 낮고 식이섬유소가 풍부한 표고버섯 및 그 효소를 통해 젓갈 섭취시 혈관 기능 개선과 면역력 증강 및 변비 예방의 효능을 가진 것이다.