It is intended to provide a long-acting solid pharmaceutical preparation whichhas an immediate release part and a sustained release part containing tramadolor apharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, is fast-acting and stably has anexcellentrelease property showing little pH dependency in the initial elution. Theinventionrelates to a long-acting solid pharmaceutical preparation characterized byhaving animmediate release part and a sustained release part, containing tramadol or apharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof as an active ingredient in both partsandcontaining partially pregelatinized starch and an excipient as additives intheimmediate release part. The preparation of the invention is a long-actingpreparationin which an effective blood concentration is reached rapidly after taking itfor rapidpain-relief and a drug action can be sustained for a long time thereafter andispractical as a preparation showing a stable, pH-independent and rapid initialelutionbehavior and, further, having a sufficient hardness enough to meet the needforavoidance of defacement, cracking, chipping, etc. during tablet coating.