Биотехнологический способ оптимизации производства привитых саженцев винограда на основе применения гриба Glomus intraradices Shenck & Smith, штамм RCAM02146
Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение "Северо-Кавказский зональный научно-исследовательский институт садоводства и виноградарства" (RU)
Юрченко Евгения Георгиевна (RU),Юрков Андрей Павлович (RU),Политова Зинаида Сергеевна (RU)
FIELD: biotechnology.SUBSTANCE: invention is a method for optimizing the production of grafted grapes, including the planting of grapes seedlings in the soil of the crop of saplings, while before planting the seedlings in the soil of the schoolchildren, the roots of the grafted seedlings are soaked for 50–60 minutes in a 2 % solution of the biopreparation consisting of 200 g of soil-root substrate with a ratio of soil and hop clover roots 1:1, 75 % or more of the roots of which are mycorhizated with a strain of fungus of arbuscular mycorrhiza Glomus intraradices Shenck & Smith, deposited in VNIISKhM under the number RCAM02146, and 1 liter of water, where before planting the seedlings in the crop of saplings soil, the roots of the grafted grapes are soaked for 20–30 minutes in the prepared 2 % solution of the biological preparation based on the strain of the fungus of the arbuscular mycorrhiza Glomus intraradices Shenck & Smith, deposited in VNIISKhM under the number RCAM02146, and immediately after planting, the soil is additionally irrigated with a 2 % solution of the biopreparation in the root region at a rate of 150–200 liters per 1 hectare.EFFECT: invention makes it possible to optimize the soil-biotic complex of grape crop of saplings, and also contributes to the formation of a balanced rhizosphere microbiocenosis, which positively influences the restoration of soil fertility, increases the biological productivity of the ground part and the rhizogenesis of grape seedlings, increasing their survival rate in a crop of saplings in stressful environmental conditions by 9½–19 % commonality at 15_4–15_9 % and overall yield of high-quality standard seedlings by 20–25 %.1 cl, 3 dwg, 4 tblИзобретение относится к области биотехнологии. Изобретение представляет собой способ оптимизации производства привитых саженцев винограда, включающий посадку саженцев винограда в почву школки, при этом перед посадкой саженцев в почву школки корни привитых виноградных саженцев замачиваю