A kind of light shape configuration mode of plant incubation,The light shape that espespecially plant is bred as artificial light source can be configured to wide-angle cone cell,Shorter light path is provided close to plant and irradiated comprehensively,And because light path shortening can be energy saving and subtracts drop breeding equipment such as box height,With up to uniform color temperature person,The light source system with the diode laser chip of most different wave lengths,Planar alignment in a disc circuit board,Exit end, which encloses structure with symmetry axis, reflecting curved surface,The blunted cone shape light shape of wide-angle is brought up,And smear effect is formed using coaxial curved space,It is homogeneous to pray launching light wave,And makes to plant and plant homoepitaxial.一種植物育成之光形配置方式,尤指植物育成人工光源之光形可配置為廣角錐狀,提供較短光程接近植物並全面照射,及因光程縮短可節約能源和減降育成設備如箱體高度,和可達均勻色溫者,該光源係以多數不同波長之二極體激光晶片,平面排列在一圓片形電路板,出射端以對稱軸圍構有反射曲面,造就廣角之鈍錐狀光形,及利用共軸曲面空間形成混波效應,以祈投出光波質地均勻,及使植栽均勻生長。