ВЕГЕНЕР Кристофер Дж. (US),МИН Киунгиоон (US),ФОРЧИОЛИ Лоран (US),БРАЙЕРТОН Марк Дж. (US),БОГГС Дэниел Р. (US)
1. A method for washing biological cells, comprising: providing a separator comprising a cylindrical body and an internal element that can rotate relative to each other; wherein said cylindrical body has an inner surface and said inner element has an outer surface, wherein said surfaces form a gap between them, and at least one of said surfaces includes a porous membrane; introducing cells suspended in a liquid medium into said the gap; rotation of at least one element from the specified housing and the specified internal element, or both; separation of these cells from the specified liquid medium; concentration of these cells; pouring at least a portion of said concentrated cells from said separator through a first outlet; and removing at least a portion of said separated liquid medium from said separator through a second outlet. 2. A method according to claim 1, comprising removing said concentrated cells into an integrally connected container. A method according to claim 1 or 2, comprising re-suspending said concentrated cells in a replacement fluid. The method of claim 3, further comprising introducing said re-suspended cells into said gap of said separator. The method of claim 1, further comprising concentrating said cells and removing said concentrated cells into an integrally connected container. The method of claim 5, wherein said integrally connected container is different from said integrally connected container.1. Способ для промывания биологических клеток, содержащий:предоставление сепаратора, содержащего цилиндрический корпус и внутренний элемент, которые могут вращаться относительно друг друга; при этом указанный цилиндрический корпус имеет внутреннюю поверхность, и указанный внутренний элемент имеет внешнюю поверхность, при этом указанные поверхности образуют зазор между ними, и при этом по меньшей мере одна из указанных поверхностей включает пористую мембрану;введение клеток, суспендированных в жидкой среде, в указанный зазор;вращение по меньшей мере