The present invention relates to a method for syndrome differentiation with acupuncture. Information of pre-syndrome differentiation of a patient is obtained by a doctor through processes of inspecting, finding acupuncture points, differentiating syndromes, selecting acupuncture points, inserting needles, identifying reactions, and diagnosing whole body, mental and spiritual conditions. Additionally, by utilizing an acupuncture system for inserting needles into a scalp and an ear, and conducting an intradermal needle treatment and a cross-acupuncture therapy, the processes of plan, do, check, and action (PDCA) can be improved.本發明係為一種針刺辨症法,主要透過視診、找穴、辨證、選穴、下針、反應驗證、身心靈全人辨證等過程令醫者取得患者之前置辨症資訊,並補以頭皮及耳針等微針系統,加上皮內針法及交叉針刺療法,不斷的改善PDCA(plan、do、check、action)。