This Chong makees As mono- Seed Fishing Ye Raising Zhi Far Duan Prison Kong Xi System, mainly includes:One controller, Yi Shui Quality Surveillance Measuring Installed are set, Yi Shui Quality Tone Zheng Installed are set, a water Warm Surveillance Measuring Installed are set, a Shui Warm Tone Festival Installed are set, Yi is Ji Yi Far Duan Zhu Machine. Wherein the roads , Far Duan Zhu Machine Tou Over Net Inter Net Will Kong Strip part Pass Lose are to controllerKong Qi And set Suo Surveillance Measuring Shui Quality Ginseng Number according to According Shui Quality Surveillance Measuring Installed, water Warm Surveillance Measuring Installed set Suo Surveillance Measuring water Warm Ginseng Number and Kong Strip part Come Kong Shui Quality Tone Zheng Installed set and Shui Warm Tone Festival Installed Zhi Zhi ?Turn. According this, this Chong makees to grow Right as other than in addition to different Raising in the ends Time Far the Ke Tong control domains Duo Ge Raising Zhi District, more Ke, that is, Time Prison Measuring Ji Tone Qi whole Shui Quality and water Warm, Bi Li Da to effective sources Festival Sheng Ren Li Capital, the Ge Seed Raising Zhi Wind Insurance and Ti Gao Raising Zhi Pin Quality of this, Minus Shao are greatly reduced into and other effects.本創作為一種漁業養殖之遠端監控系統,主要包括:一控制器、一水質偵測裝置、一水質調整裝置、一水溫偵測裝置、一水溫調節裝置、以及一遠端主機。其中,遠端主機透過網際網路將控制條件傳輸至控制器;控制器並依據水質偵測裝置所偵測之水質參數、水溫偵測裝置所偵測之水溫參數、及控制條件來控制水質調整裝置、及水溫調節裝置之運轉。據此,本創作除了可同時遠端控制多個養殖區域之不同養殖對象外,更可即時監測及調整其水質、及水溫,俾利達到有效節省人力資源、大幅降低成本、減少各種養殖風險、及提高養殖品質等功效。