The present invention provides a bed cover which is placed on a pet bed having a frame body and a block body detachably inserted into the frame body, and, when placed to the pet bed, is less likely to cause the block body to be displaced or detached from the frame body. This bed cover (5) is provided with: a sheet-like member (50) which has, in a plan view in an extended state, a center section (5c) located at the center of the bed cover (5) and an extending section (5E) extending from the center section (5C) in a direction towards the outer edge of the sheet-like member (50) a holding member which is provided on a first surface (5A) or a second surface (5B) of the center portion (5C) of the sheet-like member (50) and holds the block body (3) and an attachment member which is provided at the extending section (5E) of the sheet-like member (50) and allows the bed cover (5) to be detachably attached to the frame body (2).本發明,係提供一種裝著於寵物用床墊的床墊套者,該寵物用床墊具備有:框體以及可自由裝卸地嵌入於該框體的塊體;在將該床墊套裝著於寵物用床墊時,塊體不易從框體偏移、或脫落。本發明的床墊套(5),具備有:薄片狀構件(50)、及保持構件以及安裝構件。該薄片狀構件(50),於開展狀態的俯視觀察下,為具備有位於床墊套(5)的中央之中央部(5C)以及從該中央部(5C)朝向上述薄片狀構件(50)的外緣方向延伸而出之延伸部(5E);該保持構件,是設置在上述薄片狀構件(50)的中央部(5C)中之第1面(5A)或第2面(5B)的任一面,用以保持塊體(3);該安裝構件,是設置於上述薄片狀構件(50)的延伸部(5E),用以將上述床墊套(5)自由卸下地安裝於框體(2)。1‧‧‧寵物用床墊2‧‧‧框體3‧‧‧塊體4‧‧‧床墊本體4H‧‧‧床墊本體高部4L‧‧‧床墊本體低部4S‧‧‧周緣部分4R‧‧‧凹部5‧‧‧床墊套