Vorobev Viktor Aleksandrovich,Воробьев Виктор Александрович,Maevskij Aleksandr Izidorovich,Маевский Александр Изидорович,Sokolov Sergej Alekseevich,Соколов Сергей Алексеевич
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: in the ultrasonic two-dimensional echocardiography mode, a pathological space-occupying lesion is detected. During the colour Doppler scanning, a site of pathological lesion is selected, remote from the central vascular trunks without local enhancement of blood flow. The boundary of the lesion is isolated by staining it in blue during compression sonoelastography. During the puncture, the needle is guided by reciprocating movements, using pushes and wiggling of the needle, controlling its movement by the echo signals in the form of a strip painted in blue or red when the needle is moved. For the collection of puncture material, a site without visual signs of destruction is selected. The material is taken from the border zone of the puncture lesion, revealed during compression sonoelastography in the form of an additional blue colouring area, located around the space-occupying lesion delineated in the ultrasound two-dimensional echocardiography mode. When the end of the puncture needle hits the selected site of lesion, aspirating collection of the biopsic material is carried out for 3-6 seconds in the case of recording a brightly coloured strip during the Doppler scanning and for 7-10 seconds in the case of recording single echo signals along the needle travel from the onset of their appearance.EFFECT: increased informativeness, precision of puncture biopsy due to objectification of travel and topography of the puncture needle, selection of the optimal site for sampling biopsic material and determination of the sufficiency of the amount of the taken biopsic material.12 dwg, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к ультразвуковой диагностике, и может быть использовано для проведения пункционной биопсии. Выявляют в ультразвуковом В-режиме патологическое объемное образование. При цветном допплеровском сканировании выбирают участок патологического образования, удаленный от центральных сосудистых стволов без локального усиления кровотока