Phosphatic clay products for use as soil wetting agents, methods of delivery of phosphatic clays to soil, and phosphatic clay coatings for purpose of water retention
Phosphatic clays, and the use of phosphatic clays as a soil wetting agent. Phosphatic clays as wetting agents aid in the retention of water in sandy soil, and/or for prevention or reduction of leaching of nutrients. Due to its unique particle size and shape, phosphatic clay exhibits high water absorbing and retaining qualities. Further, phosphatic clay is readily available as a by-product of mining of phosphatic ore. The phosphatic clay wetting agents increases the effectiveness of the water applied to the soil, thereby reducing the amount of run-off, and reducing the amount of water needed to accomplish sufficient irrigation. The phosphatic clay wetting agents can be delivered to the soil as a sprinkle-on product, spray-on product, soil amendment, fertilizer or seed coating, or fertilizer composition.