A modular apparatus for crops comprises at least one open container (B) provided with a pierced bottom (F) and lateral walls (W), at the top of which there is a tab (A) shaped to allow the joining and stacking and adjacent positioning and locking together of multiple containers (B) intended to be assigned under any rental or other type of licence for their use in businesses open to the public and private homes, for the treatment of psychological and non-psychological aspects based on giving people responsibilities, by means of containers, which are autonomous and can be re-planted or re-stocked, interfaceable with communications and home automation systems, for crops of plants and animals bred, horizontal, vertical, suspended and micro-terraces or sloping differences in levels, supported by packaging and refills, transportable in any expedition on land, sea, underwater and in space, on vehicles, in extreme conditions and in tents and even in space, long stays in hospitals and recovery communities, being an integral part of cleaning and ionisation of the air, a way of not feeling alone, a way of detaching from virtual social networks, a way of seeing ones results grow and develop. One or more persons of any age or artificial intelligence can grow or breed any crop of plants or animals, aided by infinite geometrical shapes of the containers whose every detail can be printed even privately using 3D printers, and more precisely the place for them is identified as being in the kitchen, the real heart of the home, dedicating to them a piece of furniture that translates on tracks, balls or bearings, the piece of furniture being able to run completely or partly outside through a dedicated door or window, for airing the system or when preparing strong-smelling foods. Thanks to this invention, new crops can be experimented with and hybrids of them created, colonies of insects rich in proteins can be managed, the seeds from ones creations can be stored in case of any sudden cl