An independent wearable health monitoring system, configured for use by aliving being on a daily basis. The system includes a knitted garment worn bytheliving being adjacently to preconfigured body locations, a garment-processingdevice having processor, and a multiplicity of sensors adapted to measurehealthparameters, wherein at least some sensors are integrally knitted with theknittedgarment, and wherein the knitted textile sensors include electrodes adapted toprovide ECG data. The system further includes an interface adapted tooperativelyconnect at least one external medical device to the garment-processing device.Preferably, the health monitoring system further includes two conductive,integrallyknitted pads operatively disposed tightly adjacently to the skin of themonitoredliving being, adapted to facilitate placing of a respective defibrillatorpaddlesthereon and applying defibrillator shocks. Preferably, the garment-processingdevicecontrols the activation and deactivation of the defibrillator shocks.