One Seed injecting type bones, which are filled out, mends Group into object, and mono- semisolid Pulp of Department As material, The Pulp material are main to want Department to match aqueous solution by mono- Tone of a powder Elixirs With, and equal Uniform is obtained by mixing on Real Quality. Wherein The powder Elixirs includes a Liu Suan Calcium Which Fen Mo With mono- Lin Suan Calcium Which Class powder, and 20 ~ 60wt% of The Lin Suan Calcium Which Class Accounting The powder Elixirs Total weightThe Tone match aqueous solution, and phase Right what The powder Elixirs weight As 100 measures part Time, 20 ~ 50 parts by weight of ratio As again. The Pulp material have the viscosity of 20,000 pools (poise) to 80,000,000 pools. The bright injecting type bone Tian Bu Group of this Hair match Cao Zuo Time Inter District Inter at object Ju You More Wide Tone, and advantageous Yu Medical Sheng Jin row bone cement Tone lose the possibility of Defeat with operation , Minus Shao Shou Intraoperative.一種注射式骨填補組成物,其係為一半固態漿料,該漿料主要係由一粉劑與一調配水溶液,實質上均勻混合而得。其中該粉劑包含一硫酸鈣鹽粉末與一磷酸鈣鹽類粉末,且該磷酸鈣鹽類佔該粉劑總重量之20~60wt%;該調配水溶液,相對於該粉劑重量為100重量份時,其比例為20~50重量份。該漿料具有20,000泊(poise)至80,000,000泊之黏度。本發明注射式骨填補組成物具有較寬之調配操作時間區間,有利於醫生進行骨水泥之調配作業,減少手術失敗之可能性。