The present invention provides an inhalation-type pharmaceutical composition for diabetes comprising a first gas and a vaporized pharmaceutical liquid. The first gas comprises hydrogen. The hydrogen has a gas volume concentration between 2% and 96% in the inhalation-type pharmaceutical composition. The vaporized pharmaceutical liquid comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of metformin hydrochloride, glibenclamide, glucobay, rosiglitazone maleate and insulin. The inhalation-type pharmaceutical composition of the present invention can remove reactive oxygen, and the vaporized pharmaceutical liquid can improve absorbability in the present invention. At the same time, because the use of the small amount of the vaporized pharmaceutical liquid indirectly reduce the side effects of human.本發明提供一種用於治療糖尿病之吸入式醫藥組成物,其包含一第一氣體及一霧化藥液。第一氣體包含一氫氣,氫氣佔吸入式醫藥組成物之氣體體積濃度介於2%~96%之間。霧化藥液包含選自於鹽酸二甲雙胍(Metformin Hydrochloride)、優降糖(Glibenclamide)、醣祿(Glucobay)、馬來酸羅格列酮(Rosiglitazone maleate)以及胰島素(Insulin)所組成族群中之一或其組合。本發明吸入式醫藥組成物除了可以藉由氫氣以去除患者體內之惡性自由基,並藉由霧化藥液以增加患者之藥物吸收療效,也因為使用少量霧化藥液劑量,間接地降低藥劑對人體產生之副作用。S1~S3‧‧‧流程步驟