The invention relates to a machine for making partitioned or continuous irrigation furrows in horticulture and viticulture plantations located on the contour line of sloped grounds or on unleveled grounds in the plain areas. The claimed machine comprises a framework (A) on which some plough bodies (B) for opening irrigation furrows are mounted, two support wheels (C), two hoeing blades (D) in the shape of an arrowhead, two mechanisms (E) for making partitioned furrows, and a three-point coupling device (F) to be coupled to a tractor, the mechanism (E) for making partitioned furrows comprises a rotor support (1), a bladed impeller (2), a mechanism (3) for pressing the scraper blade against the soil, the rotor support (1) comprising a vertical support (4), a fork (5), a bar for supporting a spring (6) which presses the bladed impeller (2) onto the soil, said bladed impeller (2), in its turn, comprising four pentagonal blades arranged on a shaft, the angle between two adjacent blades having a value of 90°, and the spring (6) for pressing the scraper blade onto the soil being mounted by means of a steel rod between the fork (5) for supporting the rotor (2) and the bar provide on a vertical support (7).Invenţia se referă la o maşină pentru realizarea unor brazde de udare compartimentate sau continue, în plantaţii hortiviticole, amplasate pe curba de nivel a terenurilor în pantă sau pe terenurile denivelate din zona de şes. Maşina conform invenţiei este constituită dintr-un cadru (A) pe care sunt montate nişte trupiţe (B) pentru deschis brazde de udare, două roţi (C) de sprijin, două cuţite (D) săgeată de prăşit, două mecanisme (E) pentru realizat brazde compartimentate şi un dispozitiv (F) de cuplare la un tractor, în trei puncte, mecanismul (E) pentru realizat brazde compartimentate are în componenţă un suport (1) rotor, un rotor (2) cu paleţi, un mecanism (3) de apăsare pe sol a paletului raclor, suportul (1) rotor fiind compus dintr-un suport (4) vertical, o furcă (5)