Hair loss is very common problem in today€™s era, especially for younger population. To diagnose early hair loss and to monitor effect of medical treatment we need a device .the invented device the hairmeasure and scalp zone identifier are very economical user friendly device accomplishing the the purpose to diagnose and to see efficacy of treatment. As compare to other device this is very very economical and cost is one time and this is no disposable material used so every time the examination cost is nil. CONCLUSION (0062) Since its introduction, the cross-section trichometer has been adopted by the health and beauty industry to evaluate the efficacy of hair care products. A newer version of the trichometer, commercially named Hair MEASURE, has been designed specifically for the office evaluation of hair loss. Its application in clinical settings promises to help improve the evaluation and treatment of hair loss. REFERENCE(0063) (0064)1. Arnold J. Hair mass index, 4th Annual Congress European Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, Barcelona, 2001. 2. Neidel FG, Bretschneider P. Measuring hair mass. In: Unger W, Shaprio R, eds. Hair Transplantation. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2004: 876. 3. Cohen BH. The cross section trichometer: a new device for mea- suring hair quantity, hair loss, and hair growth. Derm Surg 2008 34: 900€10. 4. Cohen BH. Hair breakage: an underappreciated cause of hair loss in women. Hair Transpl Forum Int 2008. 5. Stough D. Commentary on the cross section trichometer: a new device for measuring hair quantity, hair loss, and hair growth. Derm Surg 2008 34: 910€11. 6. Marritt E. The death of the density debate. Dermatol Surg 1999 5: 654€60. 7. Parsley W. Donor site measurement. In: Haber R, Stough D, eds. Hair Transplantation, Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier 2006: 101.