(delayed release of food) veterinary ingredients are toxic activities and larvae, resistant to susceptible and tolerant parasite strains in ruminant feces, and methods of using these ingredients to delay the release of these ingredients.
The components described are: synthetic and amperometric; oacute; veterinary, and antihem amp; Iacute; nticos, especially bencirnidazol, with liberaci amp characteristics; oacute; n tard amp; Iacute; a, preferably GR amp; Aacute; nuros or P amp; Iacute; ldoras, It is better to add G amp; eacute; Nero ilemonchus spp. lt; / P gt to the food or food supplement provided to ruminants;<;p>;SE DESCRIBE UNA COMPOSICIÓ;N VETERINARIA Y SE BASA EN COMPUESTOS ANTIHELMÍ;NTICOS, PARTICULARMENTE DEL GRUPO BENCIRNIDAZOL, CON PROPIEDADES DE LIBERACIÓ;N TARDÍ;A, PREFERIBLEMENTE EN FORMA DE GRÁ;NULOS O PÍ;LDORAS, PARA AGREGAR A ALIMENTOS O SUPLEMENTOS ALIMENTICIOS OFRECIDOS A LOS RUMIANTES PARA CONTROLAR LOS HUEVOS Y LAS LARVAS DE HELMINTOS, PREFERIBLEMENTE DEL GÉ;NERO ILAEMONCHUS SPP.<;/p>;