The invention relates to an equipment for the non-invasive acquisition of EEG signals from several points on the head surface. According to the invention, the equipment consists of some sensors () forming a distributed network of measuring nodes having a single bus-type topology which comprises terminal nodes () communicating with the higher structures by means of a central node () which, in addition to the measuring sensor function, is also an operating processor with the role of passage between the wire communication channel of the measuring sensors and the wireless communication channel with the higher structures, such a higher structure consisting of a coupling device () connected to a central computer (), where the coupler () controls and manages the network traffic based on an implemented protocol, performs the signal physical adaptation between two different line standards and the protocol adaptation. The sensors () are placed and positioned on the surface of a patients head by using a spider-type mechanical device, having a central body wherein the central measuring and operating node () and some flexible terminals are placed the secondary measuring nodes () being placed at the end of said terminals.Invenţia se referă la un echipament pentru achiziţia neinvazivă a semnalelor EEG din mai multe puncte de pe suprafaţa capului. Echipamentul conform invenţiei este alcătuit din nişte senzori () care formează o reţea distribuită de noduri de măsurare, având o topologie de tip magistrală unică, ce cuprinde noduri () terminale ce comunică cu structurile superioare prin intermediul unui nod () central, care, pe lângă funcţia de senzor de măsurare, este şi un procesor de operare cu rol de trecere între canalul de comunicaţii cu fir, al senzorilor de măsurare, şi canalul de comunicaţie fără fir, cu structurile superioare, o astfel de structură superioară constând dintr-un dispozitiv cuplor (), conectat la un calculator () central, în care cuplorul () controlează şi gest