Provide the compound as fatty acid synthesis regulator. The compound can treat the illness that characteristic is fatty acid synthetase functional disturbance by adjusting fatty acid synthetase function and/or fatty acid synthetase approach with what. The method for treating this kind of illness with what is provided, the illness includes virus infection, such as hepatitis C infection, cancer and metabolic disorder.提供了作爲脂肪酸合成調節劑的化合物。該化合物可用於通過調節脂肪酸合成酶功能和/或脂肪酸合成酶途徑來治療特徵爲脂肪酸合成酶功能失調的病症。提供了用於治療這類病症的方法,所述病症包括病毒感染,例如C型肝炎感染、癌症及代謝性病症。