Is a device designed to eradicate Pest insects and animals, avoiding the re-entry of the same and Repel New infestations, suitable to be applied in both domestic environments and closed, as in large warehouses and industrial plants, as well as abroad.Includes an electromagnetic Wave Generator with double Emitter, which combines a fixed Antenna Wave Emitter and emitting Waves of both flexible Antenna, Amplified.The Wave Generator is a device which comprises a Power Source, Associated with a current Transformer which is adapted to the Drive Circuit, rectification and Filtering media, a High Frequency Oscillator, an Oscillator of medium Frequency, amplif ICADORES Station, a fixed Coil of electromagnetic waves.A flexible Transmitter Coil of electromagnetic waves, Low Frequency Oscillator and a Modulator. Electric Power Network feeds the device by means of a Transformer decreases the strength of the Electric current at 12 volts.Ver adjunto.