Чертков Дмитрий Дмитриевич (RU),Бараников Владимир Анатольевич (RU),Чертков Богдан Дмитриевич (RU),Колосов Анатолий Юрьевич (RU),Федоров Владимир Христофорович (RU)
The invention relates to the field of agriculture, namely farming. The basis of the utility model, the goal is a machine for maintenance and insemination of sows having a collapsible design, to achieve the genetic and biological potential reproductive and reproductive qualities of sows in a single-phase maintenance of animals and the establishment of the biologically adapted, environmentally sound technology, which provides a constant exercise idle , conditionally to pregnant and pregnant sows in the overall sector and free-range areas reduction of air humidity and gas concentration, its microbial contamination in the reproduction management areas. The goal is achieved in that in the room, which is divided into several sectors arranged along the machine 20 for the maintenance and insemination of sows, which are interconnected by moveable pins. The machine is designed for individual detailed feeding dry mixed fodder and idle content, conventionally-pregnant and pregnant before 100 days of gestation sows in unheated rooms. Possible transformation of machines for insemination machines for sows. Upon reaching sows 100 - day gestation they are transferred to farrowing shop and collapsible machines dismantled for cleaning manure and disinfection of premises analysis research has shown that the use of the machine for maintenance and insemination of sows having a collapsible structure, in conditions of low-cost, biodegradable adapted, environmentally safe technology with constant exercise for enabled to raise: the sexual activity sows - 8-9% 6-7% fertilization, multiple 5 mass% rH and zda newborn piglets - 14.2%, in comparison to the uterus, which were contained in the machine-prototypes.Полезная модель относится к области сельского хозяйства, а именно животноводства. В основу полезной модели поставлена цель создание станка для содержания и осеменения свиноматок, имеющего сборно-разборную конструкцию, для достижения генетического и биологического потенциала воспроизводитель