Average heart rate HR is set to the value P1 for sleepiness decision and (S130), standard deviation 1 minutes of breath interval RespI is set to the value P2 for sleepiness decision and when (S150), the fluctuation where heart heartbeat interval RRI becomes long occurs, (RRI count value Xi when value 1) sets the value which excludes the integrated value of square of average heart heartbeat interval RRIavg in 1 minutes to the value P3 for sleepiness decision and when (S190), the fluctuation where breath interval RespI becomes long occurs, when (RespI count value Yi value 1 being,) levelling coefficient of fluctuationIt sets the value which it does to the value P4 for sleepiness decision and (S210), value P1 for each sleepiness decision - P4 the weight factor it multiplies with a which is set to each - d and it sets those which take sum total to the value P for sleepiness decision and when (S220), value P for sleepiness decision is under value 0, as high awakening it decides and when (S240), being value 0 or more, as awakening it decides low (S250).平均心拍数HRを眠気判定用値P1に設定し(S130)、呼吸間隔RespIの1分間の標準偏差σを眠気判定用値P2に設定し(S150)、心拍動間隔RRIが長くなる変動が生じたとき(RRIカウント値Xiが値1のとき)の平均心拍動間隔RRIavgの2乗の積算値を1分間で除した値を眠気判定用値P3に設定し(S190)、呼吸間隔RespIが長くなる変動が生じたとき(RespIカウント値Yiが値1のとき)の変動率を平均化した値を眠気判定用値P4に設定し(S210)、各眠気判定用値P1~P4と各々に設定されている重み係数a~dとを乗じて総和をとったものを眠気判定用値Pに設定し(S220)、眠気判定用値Pが値0未満のときには高覚醒と判定し(S240)、値0以上のときには低覚醒と判定する(S250)。