The rotational head according to the invention comprises two round plates, upper one (1) and lower one (2) and in the gap between them there are cylindrical plugs (3). Each cutting element is pivotal fixed onto this plugs. In the contrary to the existing heads where both mentioned plates are fixed to the mower with a single (common) nut the head according to the invention has separately fixing of these plates. The upper plate (1) is fixed with a nut (4) and the lower plate (2) is fixed with a nut (5). Such a solution together with unwinding of the nut (5) enables that the lower plate (2) can be moved away from the upper plate (19 and so a quick and simple change of cutting elements is achieved.Rotacijsko glavo po izumu prenosne motorne kose sestavljata dve okrogli plošči zgornja in spodnja v reži med njima pa so razporejeni cilindrični čepi na katere so prosto vrtljivo pritrjeni posamični rezilni elementi Za razliko od obstoječih glav pri katerih sta obe omenjeni plošči na koso pritrjeni z eno skupno matico ima glava po izumu ločeno pritrditev omenjenih plošč zgornja plošča je pritrjena z matico spodnja plošča pa z matico Takšna rešitev omogoča da z odvitjem matice od zgornje plošče odmaknemo ali odstranimo spodnjo ploščo in tako omogočimo enostavno in hitro zamenjavo rezilnih elementov