In one embodiment, the present invention is a system for repairing a meniscusincluding: asuture assembly including a first anchor, a second anchor, and a flexiblesuture connectingthe first anchor and the second anchor, the flexible suture including a slideknot between thefirst anchor and the second anchor; and an inserter including a needle havinga longitudinalextending bore and an open distal end, the bore being configured to receivethe first anchorand the second anchor, a housing operatively connected to a proximal end ofthe needle, thehousing having a lumen and a slot, the slot including a first portion, asecond portion, a firstshoulder and a second shoulder and a pusher configured to rotate and slidewithin the lumenof the housing and the longitudinal extending bore of the needle, the pusherhaving anextension extending through the slot and configured to be maneuverable throughthe firstportion and second portion and engageable with the first shoulder and secondshoulder.