FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: method envisages recipe components preparation, cutting, sauteing (in melted fat) and straining part of carrots, part of parsley roots and part of bulb onions, the components mixing with flour, bone broth, tomato paste, acetic acid, sugar, salt, black hot pepper and laurel leaf to produce a sauce, goat meat cutting, forcing with another part of carrots and another part of parsley roots and frying in melted fat, chopping and freezing fresh white cabbages, cutting and sauteing (in melted fat) the remaining carrots, parsley roots and bulb onions, mixing cabbages and the unstrained parts of carrots, parsley roots and bulb onions to produce a garnish, goat meat, garnish and sauce packing, sealing and sterilisation. The invention novelty is as follows: one uses sunflower flour that is poured, before mixing, with bone broth and maintained for swelling while the components are used at the following expenditure ratio, weight parts: Goat meat - 431.7-472.4 melted fat - 57.8 fresh white cabbages - 228.6 carrots - 172-176.4 parsley roots - 97.8-99.1 bulb onions - 95-96.2, sunflower flour - 19, tomato paste in conversion to 30% dry substances content - 33.3, acetic acid in conversion to 80% concentration - 0.45, sugar - 12, salt - 12, black hot pepper - 0.38, laurel leaf - 0.04, bone broth till the target product yield is equal to 1000.EFFECT: method ensures reduction of the manufactured target product adhesion to container walls.1 clСпособ предусматривает подготовку рецептурных компонентов, резку, пассерование в топленом жире и протирку части моркови, части корня петрушки и части репчатого лука и их смешивание с мукой, костным бульоном, томатной пастой, уксусной кислотой, сахаром, солью, перцем черным горьким и лавровым листом с получением соуса, резку, шпигование другой частью моркови и другой частью корня петрушки и обжаривание в топленом жире козлятины, шинковку и замораживание свежей белокочанной капусты, резку и пассерование в топленом жире