1. A non-invasive blood pressure measurement system comprising a monitor (3) and one or more other system components, characterized in that the monitor (3) has a reader for wirelessly identifying at least one of the other system components having an encoding element (1) , which is readable without the need to place system components on the patient’s body, the monitor (3) being configured to check the compatibility of at least one system component having an encoding element (1) .2. The non-invasive blood pressure system according to claim 1, wherein at least one of the other system components is selected from the group consisting of cuffs (2), rack (5), analysis unit, measuring device, reading unit, electronic pressure transducer (pressure sensor) , connecting hose (4), extension hose, microphone, battery, display for pumping / inflation (air pump). 3. A non-invasive blood pressure system according to claim 1, in which the coding element (1) encodes information that is read by electromagnetic radiation. The non-invasive blood pressure system according to claim 3, in which the coding element (1) encodes information that is read by high frequency transmission or infrared transmission. A non-invasive blood pressure system according to claim 3 or 4, wherein the coding element (1) is a radio frequency identification (RFID) marker or barcode. A non-invasive blood pressure system according to claim 1, wherein the coding element (1) is recordable. Non-invasive blood pressure system according to claim 1, in which the code1. Неинвазивная система измерения кровяного давления, содержащая монитор (3) и один или более других системных компонентов, характеризуемая тем, что монитор (3) имеет считывающий блок для беспроводной идентификации по меньшей мере одного из других системных компонентов, имеющих кодирующий элемент (1), который является считываемым без необходимости в размещении системных компонентов на теле пациента, причем монитор (3) выполнен с возможностью проверки совмести