Государственное образовательное учреждение "Институт усовершенствования врачей" Министерства здравоохранения и социального развития Чувашской Республики" (RU)
Матвеев Роман Сталинарьевич (RU),Ямашев Ильгиз Гарифович (RU),Сапожников Сергей Павлович (RU)
Method for evaluating oral cavity volume selected group of a population of patients in which the measurements were performed two high size representing the length from the lower edge of the tragus of the ear to the corner of the lower jaw and the length of the base of the nose to the lower edge of the chin, two latitudinal size representing the distance between the inner midpoints edges alveoli second premolars of the upper and lower jaws and the length of the mandible angle to the middle jaw, which are variables for the group as a whole, define the arithmetic average component M in the group of subjects for each variable in accordance with the expression M = (X1 + X2 + ... + Xn) / n, where X - individual size of each indicator in the group obtained in the measurements, n - number of examined in a group, calculating an average standard deviation each index in the group surveyed the empirical formula! ,! where n - the number examined after which the intrapopulation coefficients of the variables in accordance with the empirical formula: M A = (5 × σ),! B = 10 × σ,! is then determined by varying the level of individual measured value of each parameter X in accordance with the expression: IPM = (Xn-A) / B! and the obtained values of the individual level varying measured value of each indicator is evaluated oral cavity dimensions, and at the individual level value varying measurand within 0,201-0,432 estimate the volume of the oral cavity as a reduced when the average 0,433-0,560 and 0,561-0,800 when enlarged.Способ оценки объема полости рта выбранной группы популяции пациентов, при котором осуществляют измерение двух высотных размеров, представляющих собой длину от нижнего края козелка уха до угла нижней челюсти и длину от основания носа до нижнего края подбородка, два широтных размера, представляющих собой расстояние между серединами внутренних краев альвеол вторых премоляров верхних и нижней челюстей и длину от угла нижней челюсти до середины подбородка, которые явл