Disclosed is a spontaneous exercise electrocardiogram system, adapted to synchronously record and analyze a user to obtain a spontaneous exercise electrocardiogram. The system comprises a electrocardiogram sensing device and a analyzing computer. The electrocardiogram sensing device comprises: an electrocardiac sensor and a 3-dimensional acceleration sensor for detecting the user’s electrocardiac signals and acceleration signals, respectively. Upon the analyzing computer receives the information from the electrocardiogram sensing device, an indicator of physical activity (PA) or new physical activity (NPA) can be determined. After the heart rate of electrocardiogram and heart rate variability being matched and analyzed, the user’s spontaneous exercise electrocardiogram can be established.一種自然運動心電圖系統,用於同步紀錄及分析一受測者之自然運動心電圖,其包括一心電感測器及一電腦分析系統,心電感測器包括:一心電訊號感測單元及一三軸加速度感測單元,分別用以感測受測者之心電訊號及加速度訊號;一電腦分析系統,係接收由心電感測器所得之資訊,據以判讀出受測者之身體活動量(PA或NPA),將接收之該心電圖心率及心率變異性參數作配對分析後,可得到受測者之自然運動心電圖。100...自然運動心電圖系統1...心電感測器11...心電訊號感測單元12...三軸加速度感測單元13...無線傳輸模組2...電腦分析系統S1...心電訊號S2...加速度訊號