The invention relates to the mutual positioning of longitudinal buildingcomponents, comprising two clamps which can be rotated towards each otherabout an axis of rotation Each of the two clamps comprises two limbswhich define an opening located therebetween. The opening can beselectively narrowed or expanded by elastic deformation of the clamps suchthat a longitudinal building component which is introduced into the opening oftheclamp can be prefixed. The two clamps are provided with a bore whichis coaxial in relation to the axis of rotation and which penetrates the limbsof the clamps. The two clamps are borne on a shaft and blocking means areprovided. Said blocking means are used to selectively block the rotatabilityof thetwo clamps about the axis of rotation and press the limbs of each clampagainst the longitudinal building component inserted into the opening of theclamp. One of the two clamps is S-shaped such that it defines twodiametrically opposite clamp openings.