Polyanin (RU),Полянин Дмитрий Владимирович (RU),Mikhelson Anna Alekseevna (RU),Михельсон Анна Алексеевна (RU),Melkozerova Oksana Aleksandrovna (RU),Мелкозерова Оксана Александровна (RU),Volkova Ekater
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, particularly to obstetrics and gynecology. Small pelvic peritoneum is opened between rectum and sacro-uterine ligaments. Medial pararectal spaces are opened on both sides, followed by dissection of the rectum in an avascular layer from the vaginal membrane to the perineum with a reference to the hymen. Mesosalpinxes are coagulated step by step, and are crossed on both sides, round uterine ligaments coagulate and are transected closer to pelvic walls with opening of retroperitoneal space with separation of bladder from lateral sides to centre and separated from muscular cushion - rudimentary cervical rudiment. That is followed by dissection of the bladder from the vaginal membrane in the avascular layer, maximally distally with preservation of the bladder legs, coagulating and crossing the ovarian ligament from both sides, and peritoneum is dissected towards sacroarticular ligaments, atrophied vascular bundles are coagulated and transected. That is followed by step-by-step coagulation and cross-uterine ligaments and paracolpia crossing to level of muscular roller transition into the vaginal membrane. Rudimentary uterine rudiment with a neck and uterine tubes is separated with a single complex from the muscular membrane. Separated bladder and rectum are separated from vaginal membrane and transected by monopolar coagulator in lengthwise direction maximally to distal level of urinary bladder dissection, thereby all vascular structures and ureters are removed laterally.EFFECT: method allows minimizing blood loss and reducing a risk of postoperative stenosis and neovagina deformity.1 cl, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к акушерству и гинекологии. Вскрывают брюшину малого таза между прямой кишкой и крестцово-маточными связками. Раскрывают медиальные параректальные пространства с двух сторон, далее производят диссекцию прямой кишки в бессосудистом слое от влагалищной мембраны до уровня промежности с о