Firefly restoration method and visible breeding container thereof characterized in that fireflies propagate in a clean and undisturbed environment so as to successfully process restoration, provide the function of ecological education at the same time and finally allow all of fireflies to go back natural habitat
The present invention relates to a firefly restoration method including: firstly placing female fireflies in a breeding container, wherein the breeding container has a breeding substrate, a channel interconnecting the exterior and an appearance whose at least one part is visible. The channel has a larger opening at the side adjacent to the exterior and/or a movable blocker disposed in the breeding container or in the channel to shield at least some portions of the channel. When the male fireflies are attracted by the female fireflies and enter the interior of the breeding container via the channel, they will not be easily get out. Therefore, fireflies may propagate in a clean and undisturbed environment so as to successfully process restoration, provide the function of ecological education at the same time and finally allow all of fireflies to go back natural habitat.一種螢火蟲復育方法,首先將雌性螢火蟲置放於飼育容器內,且飼育容器具有至少部分可透視的外觀,飼育基底與連通外界的通道,前述通道於鄰接外界的一側具有較大的開口以及/或是一活動檔片設置在該飼育容器內部或該通道內以至少部分遮蔽該通道,因此雄性螢火蟲將受到雌性螢火蟲吸引而經由通道進入所述飼育容器內部,卻無法輕易離開,使螢火蟲在潔淨且不受打擾的環境中繁衍,順利進行復育作業,同時可以提供生態教育的功能,最後讓所有螢火蟲回歸自然。S1~S3‧‧‧步驟