To provide a liquid applicator with which irritation on an affected part of a patient may be reduced even when a liquid drug is used. According to the present invention, an applicator comprises a solution container which comprises an opening, and a columnar brush member formed by bundling synthetic fibers in a columnar shape. The columnar brush member is disposed at the opening of the solution container, a tip portion of the columnar brush member at an outside of the solution container has a fan shape expanding in a perpendicular lateral direction against a pillar axial lengthwise direction, and a thickness of the fan-shaped tip portion of the columnar brush member decreases in a perpendicular lengthwise direction against the pillar axial lengthwise direction toward the tip portion of the columnar brush member. The liquid applicator of the present invention has the fan-shaped tip portion so that irritation on an affected part may be decreased and a liquid tinea medicine may be applied to the affected part.本發明的課題為提供一種即使是使用了液狀的藥劑的情形,也能減少給予患者的患部的刺激之構造的液劑塗佈具。本發明的解決手段為一種塗佈具,包含:具有開口部之液劑容器;以及捆紮合成纖維並成形成柱狀之柱狀刷毛構件,前述柱狀刷毛構件被設置於前述液劑容器的開口部,前述柱狀刷毛構件之中位於前述液劑容器的外部的頂端部分為對柱軸縱向擴展於垂直橫向的扇狀,前述柱狀刷毛構件的扇狀的頂端部分的厚度隨著接近前述柱狀刷毛構件的頂端,在對柱軸縱向垂直的縱向變小。與本發明有關的液劑塗佈具因具有扇狀的頂端部分,故可減少給予患部的刺激而將液狀的甲癬藥等塗佈於患部。