A method of treating skin wounds in mammals using platelet autoplasma, which consists in collecting blood from a mammal having a wound, preparing the necessary volume of platelet autoplasma and injecting it into the wound, characterized in that immediately before treatment and before preparing platelet autoplasma the area of the wound, while the volume and mode of administration of platelet autoplasma directly depends on the area of the wound, so for wounds up to 5 cm platelet autoplasma is injected in a volume of 3 ml under the bottom anes at one point, the needle is inserted as close to the wound surface; for wounds from 5 cm to 10 cm, platelet autoplasma is injected in a volume of 6 ml, while the volume of platelet autoplasma necessary for administration is divided into 2 injections, when administered, the wound is divided into two halves and an injection is made under the bottom of the wound in the middle of each half of the wound, while for the implementation of the second injection, the needle is not completely removed; for wounds from 10 cm to 20 cm, platelet autoplasma is administered in a volume of 1 ml per 1 cm, while the resulting platelet autoplasma volume is divided into 4 injections and the required volume of platelet autoplasma is introduced at the border of the wound surface with healthy skin, to a depth of 0.5-1 cm; for extensive wounds over 20 cm, the determination of the injected volume of platelet autoplasma is carried out according to the following principle: measure the diameter of the wound in its widest part and prepare as much platelet autoplasma in ml as the diameter in cm is obtained, while the obtained volume of platelet autoplasma is divided into 4-5 injections, which are introduced at the border of the wound surface with healthy skin, while the needle is introduced to a depth of 0.5-1 cm, soСпособ лечения кожных ран у млекопитающих с помощью тромбоцитарной аутоплазмы, заключающийся в том, что осуществляют забор крови у млекопитающего, и