Лысенко Валентин Терентьевич (RU),Лысенко Ирина Валентиновна (RU)
The proposed invention relates to medicine, namely to traumatology and orthopedics, can be used to stop external bleeding from the various types of wounds, reducing the shock risk, as well as to immobilize the limb with bone fractures (open and closed), dislocations, subluxations of the joints, breaks and sprains during first aid, transportation of patients and treatment in orthopedic practice, as well as medical immobilization in diseases of the peripheral nerves, joints, osteoporosis, osteochondritis ie, myopathy, including the cerebral palsy, varicose veins. Furthermore bus can be used for learning to swim for preventing water related accidents. The tire is designed for first aid with an open pneumothorax. The proposed tire is easy to use (it does not involve the use of special training) may be used in the self and mutual order. The tire has an airtight chamber through which a nipple is brought pyriform pump or an air cylinder for air pumping and a pressure gauge for monitoring the pressure inside the chamber has an elastic spring throughout its length and is enclosed in a fabric cover, which is provided with latches at the ends, e.g., masking tape, hooks or buttons. The technical result of using the bus is reliable arrest of bleeding, fixation of bone fragments, immobilization, preventing hemorrhagic shock and traumatic.Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к медицине, а именно к травматологии и ортопедии, может использоваться для остановки наружных кровотечений из различного вида ран, снижая риск шока, а так же для иммобилизации конечностей при переломах костей (открытых и закрытых), вывихах, подвывихах суставов, разрывах и растяжениях связок в ходе оказания первой медицинской помощи, транспортировки больных и лечения в ортопедической практике, а также лечебной иммобилизации при заболеваниях периферических нервов, суставов, остеопорозе, остеохондрозе, миопатиях, в том числе при детском церебральном параличе, варикозной болезни вен. Кроме того шина может быть и