The present invention relates to a symbiotic bag device for plants, and more particularly to a symbiotic bag device comprising a main body in which aquatic plants and symbiotic plants are received. The main body has a bottom forming an arc opening with which fixation to a trunk of a tree can be made. The symbiotic device includes fastening belts arranged at opposite sides of the main body for adjustment of size for fixing to the trunk. A water basin is arranged in front of the main body. The water basin has an opening formed in a top side thereof to receive a water absorbing strip to extend therethrough in order to siphon water or fertilizer up from the water basin to the bottom of the main body to keep and provide moisture and nourishment to roots of the symbiotic plants.一種植物共生袋裝置,尤特指本體內部可供放置水草與共生植物,本體底部設有弧形缺口,藉以固定在樹幹上,本體兩側設有束緊帶,可以調整大小束縛在樹幹上,本體的前方設有盛水槽,盛水槽上方設有開口,可供穿設一條吸水帶,做為將盛水槽中的水分或肥料慢慢虹吸至本體底部,保持共生植物根部濕潤與養分,為其特徵者。10...本體11...容置空間12...弧形缺口13...公束緊帶14...母束緊帶15...盛水槽16...開口17...吸水帶