The invention relates to a device (1) for separating blood into individual componentsand/or groups of components, in the form of a sterilisable system comprisinga filter arrangement (2), which forms an inlet chamber (4) and an outlet chamber(5) by means of filter elements (3) which are arranged therein, a receptacle (6)for cellular blood components and a receptacle (7) for blood plasma. The inletchamber (4) of the filter arrangement (2) can be connected to the blood source(10) via a line on the inlet side to conduct the blood and is connected, on the outletside, to the receptacle (6) for cellular components of the blood. The outletchamber (5) is connected to the receptacle (7) for blood plasma via a line on theoutlet side. The aim of the invention is to use thermal sterilisation, in particularvapour sterilisation, in order to sterilise said device. Said aim is achievedby virtue of the fact that a respective line (17, 20) opens into the inlet-sideline (14) of the inlet chamber (4) or into the inlet chamber (4) and the outlet-sideline (20) of the outlet chamber (5) or into the outlet chamber (5), said line beingconnected to the exterior via a hydrophobic or hydrophilic filter, in particularhydrophobic or hydrophilic bacteria filter (18, 21).