A biomechanical rotationally-correcting apparatus can be used for treating congenial hip dislocation, hip subluxation, spastic, spastic-torsion, paralytic hip subluxation in combination with pathologic configuration of thigh, tibia and foot both in adults and children and comprises an adjustable pelvic belt for holding around the users pelvic region and adapted to centering the head of at least one thigh bone, at least one means of thigh bone in a given position capable of positioning turn in the horizontal plane, at least one means for turning knee joint adapted to correct its rotation axis in the frontal and horizontal planes, at least one means of tibia fixation in a given position adapted to turn the foot in the horizontal plane, at least one means of foot fixation relative to the ankle joint and correction volume of its movement, at least one means for foot positioning and a set of fixation elements each is a substantially cylindrical rod capable of linear positioning movement and/or rotation, and/or free linear movement used independently or in a various combination. The adjustable pelvic belt and at least one means of thigh bone fixation are fixed therebetween by a rod and form a first module. At least one means of thigh bone fixation in a given position, at least one means of knee joint turn and at least one means of tibia fixation in a given position are fixed therebetween by second and third rods and form a second module. At least one means of tibia fixation in a given position and at least one means of foot fixation are fixed therebetween by fourth rod and form a third module. The first, second and third modules can be used independently or in a given combination depending on pathologic configurations of users lower extremities.Аппарат биомеханический ротационно-корригирующий может быть использован при лечении врожденного вывиха бедра, подвывиха бедра, спастического, спастико-торсионного, паралитического подвывиха бедра в сочетании с патологическими устан