Described embodiments are directed toward centrally-opening leaflet prostheticvalve devices having a leaflet frame coaxially disposed within a body frame,as well asmethods of making the valve devices. A method of making a multi-frameprosthetic valve(100) comprises: providing a body frame (120) defining a generally tubularshapedefining a body frame lumen; providing a leaflet frame (130) having agenerally annularshape defining a plurality of U-shaped portions each defining a base and aplurality ofposts; providing a film; forming a first layer of the film into a tubularform; coaxiallyplacing the leaflet frame over the tubular form of the first layer of film;wrapping the filmaround the leaflet frame and the tubular form of the first layer of film, thefilm extendingacross each of the U-shaped portions so as to define a leaflet (140) therein;bonding thefirst layer and the second layer to each other and the leaflet frame; clampingthe leafletsdisposed in the U-shaped portions to enclose the leaflets; forming a thirdlayer of the filmover the leaflet frame; placing the body frame over the third layer of thefilm and over theleaflet frame such that the leaflet frame is coaxially disposed within thebody framelumen forming a fourth layer of the film over the body frame and the thirdlayer of thefilm; and bonding the third layer and the fourth layer to each other and thebody frame.