the present invention relates to a data transmission and control device in a network of multi-sensor sensors, comprising a processing control module (110). the processing control module (110) comprises an instruction processing unit, a data processing unit, at least one group of first type interfaces (j101-j10n), at least one group of second type interfaces (j201 -j20n), a group of fifth type interfaces (j500) and a group of sixth type interfaces (j600). the fifth type interfaces (j500) have communication connections with an external control device (120). the first type interfaces (j101-j10n), respectively, have communication connections with a sensor (140) in order to cooperate with the instruction processing unit to configure and consult a sensor parameter (140), and to update the support unalterable logic and report feedback from the sensor (140) and the processing control module. the second type interfaces (j201-j20n) have communication connections with the sensor (140) respectively and the sixth type interfaces (j600) have communication connections with an external service terminal (130) in order to cooperate with the unit data processing to acquire data from a plurality of sensors (140) and transmit the data to the external service terminal (130) for processing. the device controls the sensor (140) over a network, allows the data from the sensor (140) to be modular, and provides a uniform interface to the external one, thus forming an intelligent control platform for dynamic configuration, data processing and interaction sensor (140).a presente invenção refere-se a um dispositivo de transmissão e controle de dados em uma rede de sensores multinós, que compreende um módulo de controle de processamento (110). o módulo de controle de processamento (110) compreende uma unidade de processamento de instruções, uma unidade de processamento de dados, ao menos um grupo de interfaces de primeiro tipo (j101-j10n), ao menos um grupo de interfaces de segundo tipo (j201-j20