PURPOSE: A method for processing pork hocks is provided to remove the smell of pork hocks and be good to eat by removing bones. CONSTITUTION: Foreign substances, hair and toenails of the surface of pork hocks are removed, and the pork hocks are washed. 0.16-0.18 weight% of roasted salt, 0.12-0.13 weight% of vinegar, 0.01 weight% of coffee, 0.012 weight% of rice straw and 26-27 weight% of the pork hocks based on 120L of water are heated for 2-3 hours until when a temperature reaches 100°;C. 70L of water, the processed pork hocks and 150 g of herbal medicine based on 70L of water are put into an iron pot and heated for 3-12 hours. The pork hocks are lifted and bones are removed. And the pork hocks are cut into a certain size and manufactured into pork hock meat. The herbal medicine comprises 30 g of milk vetch root, 30 g of Chinese matrimony vine, 50 g of jujube, 30 g of licorice, 20 g of cinnamon, 100 g of solomons-seal root, 30 g of aceraceae branch, 100 g of garlic, 100 g of ginger, 200 g of scallions, 10 g of dried clove buds, 50 g of mistletoe stem and 150 g of kalopanax stem.본 발명은 돼지족탕 제조용 돼지족의 가공방법에 관한 것으로서, 구체적인 것은 돼지족을 세척하여 표면의 털과 발톱을 제거하고 볏짚과 같이 소금과 식초와 커피를 넣은 물에 넣고 100℃에 이르도록 2~3시간 삶아서 기름과 돼지족 특유의 냄새를 제거하는 1차처리단계와,1차처리된 돼지족을 황기, 구기자, 대추, 감초, 계피, 둥글레뿌리, 삼청목, 마늘, 생각, 정향, 겨우살이줄기, 엄나무, 파와 같이 물에 넣고 100℃에 이르도록 2~3시간 동안 삶아서 성분을 우려내는 육수제조단계와,육수제조후 건저낸 돼지족에서 뼈를 제거하는 돼지족살 제조단계로 가공함을 특징으로 한 돼지족탕용 돼지족의 가공방법이다.