system (1) with a futterwagen (10) and a stromschienensystem (30) for supplying power to the futterwagens (10) along a regards (f), and the futterwagen (10) and at least one stromabnehmerschlitten (20) to capture the flow of stromschienensystem (30) comprises, in gekennzei chnet that stromschienensystem (30) includes a switch (50)the stromabnehmerschlitten (20) of a first busbar (40) alternatively to one of two busbars (40b, 40c) secondary to run, and that the switch (50) to lead the stromabnehmerschlittens (20) fixed and auseinanderf u00fchrende au u00dfenf u00fchrungen (51, 52) with a the intermediate zungenelement (53) includes adjustable, so isthat either the one or the other au u00dfenf u00fchrung (51, 52) inside body and each one with the opposite innenf u00fchrung secondary path (r1, r2) is formed.