ABSTRACT Provided are a method for producing frozen fresh cream to be whipped which can be frozen for storage, which is comparable to refrigerated fresh cream in5 properties of cream after thawed, and which is comparable to whipped cream prepared by whipping refrigerated fresh cream in qualities such as smoothness and melt-in-the-mouth when formed into whipped cream frozen fresh cream to be whipped produced by the method for producing frozen fresh cream to be whipped whipped cream produced from the frozen fresh cream to be whipped: and a method10 for producing the whipped cream.A method for producing frozen fresh cream to be whipped, the method including: cooling fresh cream, wherein in the cooling, the fresh cream is cooled to atemperature of —5°C or lower and is changed from 0°C to —5°C for 8 minutes or shorter frozen fresh cream to be whipped produced by the method for producing15 frozen fresh cream to be whipped whipped cream produced from the frozen fresh cream to be whipped and a method for producing the whipped cream. BMW