The present invention provides a temperature control device of smart green energy greenhouse including: a greenhouse having a skylight at the top, a sprayer and a circulation fan inside the greenhouse a water wall setting on the side of the greenhouse and having an inner shutter, a middle shutter, and an outer shutter from inside to outside sequentially the inner shutter located inside the greenhouse the middle shutter located between the inner shutter and the water wall the outer shutter located outside the greenhouse a blower setting inside of the greenhouse and blowing air into the greenhouse a heat pump connecting the blower and heating or cooling the inside of the greenhouse so, the present invention could select to manually open or depend on the indoor and outdoor temperature of the greenhouse to automatically open the water wall, the inner shutter, the middle shutter, the outer shutter, the blower, the skylight, the sprayer, the circulation fan, or the heat pump to control the greenhouse temperature effectively besides, the present invention has been tested and proved the energy consumption is only one fifth of the conventional greenhouse. In other words, the present invention could effectively save 80% in energy costs of the conventional greenhouse such as electric expenditure so as to achieve the effect of energy conservation and environmental protection.本發明係提供一種智慧型綠能溫室控溫裝置,其包含:一溫室,其頂部設有至少一天窗,且該溫室內部設有至少一噴霧器及至少一循環機;該溫室側端設有至少一水牆,所述水牆由內而外依序設有一內層捲揚、一中層捲揚與一外層捲揚,該內層捲揚係設於該溫室之內部,該中層捲揚係設於該內層捲揚與水牆之間,且該外層捲揚係設於該溫室之外側;至少一送風機,其係設於該溫室之內部,所述送風機係對該溫室之內部送風;以及至少一熱泵,其連結於該溫室內部之所述送風機,且所述熱泵係對該溫室之內部加溫或降溫者;藉之,本發明可手動或依照溫室內外之溫度而選擇性開啟水牆、內層捲揚、中層捲揚、外層捲揚、送風機、天窗、噴霧器、循環機或熱泵,藉可有效控制溫室溫度,此外,本發明經測試,係可耗能僅習用之溫室的1/5,意即,本發明可有效節省習用之溫室80%的電力等能源成本之支出,藉以達致節約能源及環保之功效者。1‧‧‧溫室11‧‧‧天窗14‧‧‧水牆15c‧‧‧外層捲揚