Method for cyropreservation of cells using a signal or effector protein/ peptide/compound which affects the osmoregulation or general transporting prcoesses of the cells
The present invention relates to the use of a signal or effector protein/peptide/compound which affects the osmoregulation or general transporting processes of cells for cryoconservation and to a method for cryopreservation of cells using such a signal or effector protein/peptide/compound.The claimed method comprises at least the following steps:a) contacting the cells with a signal or effector protein/peptide/compound having at least one of the following properties:- capable to affect the osmoregulation of cells,- capable to affect general transporting processes in cells which result in notable differences of the physiological parameters of cooled cells before and after freezing and/or of the distribution of osmolytes and water in said cells,- capable to affect regulatory processes which involve membrane-bound transporters,for a predetermined time which is sufficient to allow the signal or effector protein/peptide/compound to display a cryoprotective effect on said cells, andb) cooling the cells to a target temperature below 0°C.More specifically, the signal or effector protein/peptide/- compound is selected from the group comprising antidiuretic hormones, in particular vasopressin and its derivatives, aldosteron and its derivatives, cytokines, in particular TNF-α, that affect hypertonicity-induced cation channels (HICCS).